Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tutorial for crocheting a bracelet in Cream, Maroon and Olive Green (Chrissy)

Fits 7 inches wrist.

Here's how to make this crocheted bracelet:


* Crochet Hook 3.5mm
* Tapestry needle
* Scissors
* Yarn in cream, maroon and olive green (or your choice of colors) - 13 to 14 wpi type

* one button (about 0.625 inches/1.5cm diameter)

Abbreviations :

ch = chain
dc = double crochet
sc = single crochet

** Beginning Ch 2 is counted as a double crochet. **

Let's start :)

With cream yarn, ch 37. Dc in third ch from hook and in each ch across. Make two more dc in the last ch. Total = 38 dc.

Join maroon yarn. (You are now going to crochet on the opposite side of the ch). Make two dc in this same last ch and then dc in each ch across. Add two more dc in the beginning ch. Slip stitch to first ch 2. Total = 38 dc. DO NOT fasten off yet. Continue with the forming of the button loop.

To form the button loop, ch 12.

Join back to edge of bracelet.

Fasten off and weave in all yarn ends.

Rounded end of bracelet.

First part of bracelet completed!

With the green yarn, draw a loop around the first dc post.

Chain 1 and front post sc across.

At the turning posts, make front post sc followed by a chain 1 so that the ends will stay flat.

Join to beginning sc. Fasten off and weave in ends.

To make the button cover,

With green yarn, start with a magic ring, ch 2 and work 13 dc into the ring. Total = 14 dc. Join to beginning ch 2. Cut off yarn, leaving about 8 inches for weaving and sewing.

Thread yarn onto a tapestry needle and weave around the circumference of the cover just made. Remember to place the button into the cover.

Pull the yarn to gather the opening close.

Here's how the the finished button looks:

Sew the button onto the top side of the end of the bracelet.

Yay! It's done! Wear your crocheted bracelet with pride :)


  1. I found your blog post via Pinterest. I'm new to crochet but I'm SO going to try this!! Thanks for the tutorial!

  2. Thank you Yvette for letting me know how you found me :) I hope that you will enjoy this pattern and do contact me anytime should you need assistance.
    My email:

  3. This pattern is fabulous! I found it on Pinterest!
    Thanks a lot for sharing it with all us!
    I love my new bracelet!

  4. Thanks bunches Creativaholic! I am so happy to hear that you had enjoyed using this pattern :) I hope that your new bracelet will bring you much compliments! xo-Amy

  5. This pattern is wonderful! I found you from Pinterest and can't wait to read more of your blog! Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Thank you very much Shellie! It is great that my humble pattern is bringing you joy! Have a fun and creative time ahead :)

  6. thank you so much I just made 3 and I love them
    hugs Eva

  7. Wow! Eva, you made three of these bracelets already! I'm impressed with your speed and enthusiam! Thank you so much for letting me know! xo-Amy

  8. Sonia, thanks so much for the kind words! Much appreciated :) Enjoy this pattern!

  9. Hello, found you on Pinterest and wanted to drop a note to thank you for sharing the cute bracelet pattern. I am anxious to try it out...a few I think LOL :-)

    1. Nice to know that you are interested in making this bracelet :) Ya, make a bunch for yourself or for friends, these make great party favors too!

  10. Thank you for the pattern! I only have lame acrylics so mine doesn't look as nice, but I cant wait to get better yarns and try again later! Thanks for sharing!

    (You can see my version on my Ravelry page here: )

    1. Hi Lizzy,

      Saw your bracelet, hey, great effort! You can either reduce the starting ch to say 34 or change your hook to a smaller size. Thank you for showing me your finished project :) Yes, do try again and I'm sure your bracelet will turn out even more pretty!

  11. petsallover@yahoo.comAugust 2, 2012 at 1:56 AM

    Oh my goodness. I think this is JUST what I have been looking for. My daughter likes to wear bracelets on her wrist to press against her anxiety acupressure point but they are all so ugly. I think I could do this and modify the button to push in on her point and be pretty for her too! You are awesome. Thanks you! :)

    1. You're most welcome, Petsallover :) So happy that a simple bracelet may be able to offer some comfort to your daughter. Let me know if you need help with the pattern instructions. Happy crocheting!

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks bunches for liking this bracelet design :):)

  13. Hello, I am glad that I visited your post. I love making bracelets and I used to make every week. A lot of thank for sharing this with us.

    1. Hi Zumi,
      It is my pleasure to share this simple bracelet pattern with you and my other readers :) Thank you for your comment!

  14. What brand of yarn do you use? I love the look! A lot of the yarn I get seem to fuzz.

  15. Thank you for this pattern! It looks great. Muriel.

    1. You're most welcome, Muriel :) Hope you will try it out.


    1. Hi Lil,
      Thank you for your kind comment! If you are making it, hope u will have lots of fun! :)

  17. Thank you so much! I made this for my son's girlfriend & she LOVED it. So quick, easy, and gorgeous.

    1. You are most welcome! Thank you for liking this pattern :)
